Mind and Body Birthing
Hypnobirthing Classes
Why choose Mind and Body Birthing?
With a Mind and Body Birthing hypnobirthing course you'll be supported every step of the way from understanding your birth journey to planning the kind of birth that's right for you.
All of my classes are relaxed and engaging but don't worry, I won't be making you do anything weird and I certainly won't be hypnotising you either!
The course I teach is very logical and informative and will provide you with all the knowledge, tools and resources you'll need to prepare for birth.
I also invite birth partners to attend the full course with you too so they'll leave fully informed of all the ways they can best support you throughout your pregnancy, labour and birth.
Prepare for birth with a Mind and Body Birthing Course
I will soon be offering private 1:1 sessions either in person for those of you living in Perth, WA or online via Zoom no matter where you live in the world.
My private sessions can be fully tailored to your needs and will cover all of the hypnobirthing techniques to fully prepare you and your birth partner for birth. Private classes offer a safe space for you to share your thoughts, raise questions and talk through any specific pregnancy or birth related wishes or needs you may have.
With dedicated support from me throughout your course and continuing right up to the birth of your baby, you'll easily be able to get in touch with me directly and ask me any questions you might have even after your course has finished.
Because the classes will be run exclusively we can arrange the sessions to take place at a time and date that works best for you.
Private 1:1 Full Hypnobirthing Course
Enjoy 12 hours of exclusive 1:1 personal coaching, tailor made for your unique, individual needs.
This course is for you if...
you've not taken a hypnobirthing course before or if you'd like to update your birth knowledge with a full hypnobirthing course
you'd like quality time set aside during our classes to connect in with your partner, your body and your baby as you focus on your pregnancy and discuss your options for birth
you'd like to complete a course which celebrates all types of births and prepares you whether you plan to birth at home, in a birth centre or in a hospital
you'd like access to supportive course materials, information and resources to help you feel calm, in control and prepared for giving birth both naturally and with medical support including water births, induction of labour and Cesarean births
you've been searching for practical tools and techniques that you can use throughout pregnancy and birth for an easier, more comfortable labour
you'd like 1:1 guidance with creating your birth plan and planning the kind of birth that's right for you
you want your birth partner to feel prepared as they learn effective ways in which they can best support you
you'd appreciate ongoing support in between our sessions together and right up to the birth of your baby; whether you need a little recap on something or just a listening ear - I am here for you
What’s Included?
12 hours of exclusive 1:1 teaching with Gemma - an experienced hypnobirthing teacher (and hypnobirthing mama herself!)
3 relaxation MP3s for you to listen to
Full Course Notes Booklet in PDF
A selection of positive birth stories for you to read and suggestions of videos to watch from real women who've had a positive birth using hypnobirthing
Birth plan templates and example copies
Birth Bag Packing List
Checklist for Birth Partners
Positive Affirmation Cards; Digital Version
Two Birth Videos
Ongoing Advice, Support & Guidance
Price of Course
AUS $900
Private 1:1 Intensive Hypnobirthing Course
A shorter, highly condensed version of the full hypnobirthing course
This course is for you if...
you're further along in your pregnancy (35 weeks+) or you don't have time for a full course
you'd like to learn the basic hypnobirthing techniques which will help you as you prepare for a natural birth
you'd like access to supportive course materials, information and resources to help you prepare for giving birth both naturally and with medical support including induction of labour and Cesarean births
you've been searching for practical tools and techniques that you can use throughout pregnancy and birth for an easier, more comfortable labour
you want your birth partner to feel prepared as they learn effective ways in which they can support you
you'd appreciate ongoing support in between our sessions together and right up to the birth of your baby; whether you need a little recap on something or just a listening ear - I am here for you
What’s Included?
A 1:1 private 4 hour session (in person) or 2 x 2 hour sessions (via Zoom) with Gemma
3 relaxation MP3s for you to listen to after the course
Full Course Notes Booklet in PDF to complement information missed from the full course
A selection of positive birth stories for you to read and suggestions of videos to watch from real women who've had a positive birth using hypnobirthing
Birth plan templates with examples
Birth Bag Packing List
Checklist for Birth Partners
Positive Affirmation Cards; Digital Version
Ongoing Advice, Support & Guidance
Price of Course
AUS $499
Private 1:1 Refresher Hypnobirthing Course
Refresh your knowledge and tools, ready to have a positive birth with hypnobirthing again.
This course is for you if...
you've already taken a full hypnobirthing course in a previous pregnancy (it doesn't matter whether you took a previous course with me or another birth company)
you'd like a tailored course focused on the hypnobirthing techniques you'd like to focus on for your upcoming birth
you'd like access to updated course materials, information and resources to help you as you prepare for birth
you'd like quality time set aside during our classes to connect in with your partner, your body and your baby (it can be hard to prioritise time to do birth prep when it's not our first baby)
you want your birth partner to refresh their knowledge and understanding too so that they know how to best support you this time around
you'd appreciate ongoing support in between our sessions together and right up to the birth of your baby; whether you need a little recap on something or just a listening ear - I am here for you
What’s Included?
A private 2 hour session with Gemma either online via Zoom or in person (depending on location)
3 relaxation MP3s for you to continue your practice in the run up to your baby's birth
Updated Course Notes Booklet in PDF
A selection of positive birth stories for you to read and suggestions of videos to watch from real women who've had a positive birth using hypnobirthing
Sample birth plan copies and editable templates
Price of Course
AUS $280
Book Your Hypnobirthing Course
I would love to support you and your birth partner as you prepare for the birth of your baby. Click the link below to book a course with me and I'll be back in touch shortly.
What you'll learn on a hypnobirthing course with Gemma
Whether this is your first time giving birth, or you’ve had a challenging experience in the past, my classes are here to offer you all the support, guidance and information you need to feel
fully prepared for birth
All of Mind and Body Birthing’s hypnobirthing classes will teach you:
Effective ways to release fear, gain confidence and develop positive associations to birth
How the mind and body work together for a calm, and efficient labour
The science of birth - what happens to your body during labour and birth
Breathing, deep relaxation, and visualisation techniques
Your birth choices and how to make informed decisions about the kind of birth that's right for you
How to avoid the fear-tension-pain cycle and maximise your comfort levels during labour
Support with writing your birth plans
The importance of your birth partner and their role
How to prepare for a gentle Cesarean birth
How to prepare for a positive induction of labour
"The Mind and Body Birthing course was one of the best decisions we made in the lead up to the birth of our daughter.
The course makes you feel so informed about the physiology of birth as well as empowering you to be confident in asserting what you want from your labour. It helped us to reframe fears and anxieties into a more positive and calm mindset and reinforces that labour is a natural process and that your body (and baby) know best. The focus on this and on relaxation being key to an efficient and positive labour - *might* have had something to do with me arriving at hospital already 10cm dilated (having spent the early hours of the morning relaxing at home with my positive affirmations) and taking only 30 minutes to then deliver our daughter!
Thank you Gemma for being such a positive part of our pregnancy!"
Helen & Russell